Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last Day of Classes

The academic year in the English language program here at Zirve is divided into five, eight-week terms. We only teach seven of those weeks. The eighth week is reserved for finals and then scheduling students and teachers for the term that follows – no break between terms except between term two and three. Today was the last teaching day. I got pictures of my two classes. There is one student missing from each picture; one was absent and the other didn’t want her picture taken. Here they are.


  1. Whoa, mom, so cool to see your classes! They are so lucky to get to see you everyday!

  2. These are fun fotos. The students don't seem to be afraid of smiling. They are a good-looking lot. How do they address you? How do you address them in class? And after? Will you see any of them next term? Your blonde hair sure stands out!
